To connect, somewhere between space and boundaries

I think there is something interesting about having your cameras setup in a way that feels like an office. That is, you are not always interacting with your coworker but they could always turn around and say "hey!". Passive viewing? Maybe too intrusive but the idea makes me feel more connected without being actively engaged with someone. You are just there. And they are just there. And it is nice.

My coworkers have started setting up ~ambient~ zoom rooms. Join on your own terms I guess. It makes me feel like I'm being pressured in letting them surveil me ...

When Sartre wrote, “Hell is other people,” what he meant was, “We judge ourselves with the means other people have and have given us for judging ourselves.” We understand our identities as they’re reflected in and by those around us. By that argument, heaven can be other people, too. Such is Terrace House: the realest reality show we’ve got. -Kyle Chayka on Terrace House